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CNN 5 Things I 영어뉴스 해석 - Ukraine (02.20.24)

CNN 5 Things
Monday 02.20.24



5 things to know for Feb. 20: Ukraine, Gaza, Record rainfall, Virus season, Space junk | CNN

CNN  —  All US states and territories will receive a new round of funding to help clean up the nation’s drinking water, the Biden administration announced today. The bipartisan effort aims to fix America’s vast underground water system and replace


Ukraine (우크라이나)


Ukraine's army is under pressure as Russian forces are making advances ahead of the two-year anniversary of the invasion this week.


이번주 러시아 침공 2주년를 앞두고 러시아 세력들이 전진하고 있기 때문에 우크라이나 군대는 압박을 받고있다.


주요 단어
⭐️invasion [ɪnˈveɪʒn] 침략



⭐️The invasion of personal space made her feel uncomfortable and agitated.

(개인 공간의 침입은 그녀를 불편하고 마음 졸이게 만들었다.)