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CNN 5 Things I 영어뉴스 해석 - Presidensial race (03.20.24)

CNN 5 Things
Wednesday 03.20.24


5 things to know for March 20: Presidential race, Immigration, Government shutdown, Cyberattacks, Haiti | CNN

CNN  —  Strawberries topped this year’s “Dirty Dozen” list — a ranking of the fruits and vegetables contaminated with the most amount of pesticides. However, studies have found that levels of pesticides in adults and children can drop up to 95%


Presidential race (대통령 선거)


President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, both of whom had already clinched thier parties' presidential nominations, picked up more delegates Tuesday in their respective primary contests in Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Kansas and Ohio as they gear up for a rematch in November.


조 바이든 대통령과 도날드 트럼프 전 대통령 둘 다 이미 그들 당원의 대통령 후보로 확정되었으며

그들 각각의 프라이머리 컨테스트인 아리조나, 일리노이, 캔자스, 그리고 오하이오주에서 더 많은 대의원이 뽑힘으로써 그들의 11월에 재대결을 준비하고있다.


주요 단어

⭐️clinch [klɪntʃ] 확정하다, 결정하다

⭐️ gear up for ~의 준비를 갖추다