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CNN 5 Things I 영어뉴스 해석 - Presidential race (07.23.24)

CNN 5 Things
Tuesday 07.23.24


5 things to know for July 23: Presidential race, Secret Service, Flight cancellations, Netanyahu, Olympics | CNN

CNN  —  The US economy remains historically strong but the high cost of living in parts of the country is stressing out many workers. Around 39% of Americans worry they can’t pay the bills, according to a new poll, as concerns rise about grocery pric


Presidential race (대선)


Vice President Kamala Harris has the support of enough Democratic delegates to win the party's nomination for president, according to CNN's delegate estimate.

CNN 대의원 추정에 의하면, 카말라 해리스 부통령은 민주당 대선후로로 지명되기에 충분한 수의 민주당 대의원들의 지지를 받고있다.

주요 단어

⭐️delegate [ˈdelɪɡeɪt] 델리게이트, 대의원

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